公開日 2023.11.21
計算日 2023.11.17
企業名 あおぞら銀行
空売り企業・個人名 BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC
残高割合 0.59%
増減率 -0.01 %
残高数量 702747
増減量 -10,000
前回計算日 11/08
Previous ShortPosition ID 860512
空売り機関 公開日 計算日 増減率 残高数量 増減量 残高割合
MERRILL LYNCH INTERNATIONAL 2023-11-17 2023-11-15 -0.02 % 4,528,244 -19,100 3.82%
GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL 2023-11-21 2023-11-17 -0.02 % 4,114,798 -25,997 3.47%
モルガン・スタンレーMUFG証券株式会社 2023-11-20 2023-11-17 +0.11 % 3,836,579 125,500 3.24%
Wellington Management Company LLP on behalf of Bay Pond ... 2023-08-31 2023-08-29 +0.11 % 1,709,300 130,500 1.45%
Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 2023-11-21 2023-11-17 +0.01 % 1,189,962 9,657 1.00%
JPM Securities Japan Co Ltd. 2023-11-10 2023-11-08 +0.10 % 1,097,913 123,800 0.92%
Lone Cypress, Ltd. (Lone Pine Capital LLC) [Lone Cypress,... 2023-01-30 2023-01-27 +0.32 % 1,045,090 376,138 0.88%
PointState Capital LP 2023-10-04 2023-10-03 +0.21 % 1,019,212 247,310 0.86%
Wellington Management Company LLP on behalf of Bay Pond P... 2023-04-13 2023-04-10 0 % 778,100 0.65%
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC 2023-11-21 2023-11-17 -0.01 % 702,747 -10,000 0.59%
Nomura International plc 2023-11-17 2023-11-15 -0.02 % 696,302 -20,251 0.58%
20,718,247 17.46%
id: 571767