公開日 計算日 空売り企業・個人名 残高割合 増減率 残高数量 増減量 前回計算日 備考
2024.07.10 07/08(月) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.51% -0.27 % 628,240 -338,100 07/05
2024.07.09 07/05(金) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.79% -0.10 % 966,340 -120,200 06/27
2024.07.08 07/04(木) The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 0.45% -0.28 % 546,866 -336,275 06/17 報告義務消失
2024.07.05 07/03(水) Nomura International plc 0.46% -0.05 % 562,824 -64,236 06/25 報告義務消失
2024.07.01 06/27(木) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.89% -0.01 % 1,086,540 -8,800 06/26
2024.06.28 06/26(水) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.90% +0.10 % 1,095,340 121,640 06/18
2024.06.27 06/26(水) Societe Generale 0.69% -- 845,208 -5,100 06/13
2024.06.27 06/25(火) Nomura International plc 0.51% 0 % 627,060 06/13 再イン
2024.06.20 06/18(火) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.80% +0.01 % 973,700 16,300 06/13
2024.06.19 06/17(月) The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 0.72% -0.09 % 883,141 -105,800 06/03
2024.06.17 06/13(木) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.79% -0.06 % 957,400 -73,600 05/21
2024.06.14 06/13(木) Societe Generale 0.70% +0.02 % 850,308 23,400 05/23
2024.06.05 06/03(月) The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 0.81% +0.17 % 988,941 205,800 05/31
2024.06.04 05/31(金) The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 0.64% 0 % 783,141 05/30 新規
2024.05.27 05/23(木) JPM Securities Japan Co Ltd. 0.14% -0.69 % 179,702 -890,700 05/20 報告義務消失
2024.05.24 05/23(木) Societe Generale 0.68% 0 % 826,908 07/12 再イン
2024.05.23 05/21(火) Integrated Core Strategies (Asia) Pte. Ltd. 0.85% +0.13 % 1,031,000 156,500 05/14
2024.05.22 05/20(月) JPM Securities Japan Co Ltd. 0.88% -0.02 % 1,070,402 -29,100 05/16
2024.05.20 05/16(木) JPM Securities Japan Co Ltd. 0.90% +0.01 % 1,099,502 10,068 05/15
2024.05.17 05/15(水) JPM Securities Japan Co Ltd. 0.89% -- 1,089,434 -4,381 05/14